Beth and Kendric (My sister and her husband) are heading to the Dominican Republic with our good friends for a humanitarian trip over Spring Break. Remember the trip Troy and I took last November? Well, some people in our group have visited many times and have made lasting friendships with several children and families there. It has come to our attention that one young girl, whom we have taken interest in, is in serious need. Her family has moved from the most impoverished part of the country to a slightly more comfortable village. As they began to build their house, they ran out of money. (Doesn't that sound familiar?) Nanci's sweet family is farmed out to different homes throughout the village while they are stuck in this predicament. When we were made aware of the situation, we decided to try to get to the Dominican to help them. The only problem is…we need some funds to purchase supplies so we can get that home built. While we are there, we would like to take some much needed school supplies to a small academy that is dedicated to helping children learn English. Speaking English provides a significantly brighter future for these children. Some things they are in need of are: easy readers (in Spanish or English), note pads, crayons, English flash cards, pencils, and lined paper.
I’m so excited Beth, Kendric and our friends are able to go help Nanci and just wanted to let you know what we need in case someone is thinking--I can't go to the DR right now but I SO WANT TO HELP! (This would make a great Primary, YW or Eagle project if someone is looking for one...) Even $10 or some crayons would make a difference!
This is an example of what Nanci's family used to live in--there are actually 2 doors on this house with 2 families living inside.
When we came in November to help--Nanci came every day to help us. She lives in conditions equal to those we were serving and yet she jumped in without being asked and worked from sun up to sundown! She is such a sweet girl with a lot of potential! She is currently starting up a small business and hopes to be able to bring her family out of poverty. Moving out of the sugar cane field was a huge risk and their only hope for breaking the cycle.
I know this is an awful time to ask for help, considering the economic climate right now—so please don’t feel pressure. We just wanted to give you the opportunity and just get the word out there. Even if you happen to be able to squeeze in a few extra school supplies into your grocery cart or can do a donation drive for an activity...it all adds up! We’ve booked the tickets—now we just need the funds and supplies!
Thank you!!
I’m so excited Beth, Kendric and our friends are able to go help Nanci and just wanted to let you know what we need in case someone is thinking--I can't go to the DR right now but I SO WANT TO HELP! (This would make a great Primary, YW or Eagle project if someone is looking for one...) Even $10 or some crayons would make a difference!
I know this is an awful time to ask for help, considering the economic climate right now—so please don’t feel pressure. We just wanted to give you the opportunity and just get the word out there. Even if you happen to be able to squeeze in a few extra school supplies into your grocery cart or can do a donation drive for an activity...it all adds up! We’ve booked the tickets—now we just need the funds and supplies!
Thank you!!
So are you going too? i am so IN on this one! I love what you are doing, your like the new Angelina Jolie! haha
Daph, I am also in. I would love to help. Please contact me and let me know how much time I have to collect and get others to help too. I will try to call you this weekend. Love you.
Troy and Daph! I WANT TO HELP! This brought tears to my eyes and I cant quit thinking about this family. My dream is to go over there or to some other country and do a humanitarian aid nursing project. I want to help these people so much! Please let me know when you need the stuff by. I am in scouts and young womens and would love to get something going. We miss you guys down here. Come visit give me a call at 590 2676 and let me know what I can do.
I wish I had Angie's lips! HA! No, I'm not going on this one 'cause we're going to Ecuador at the same time. You can come with us in November... Thank you everyone for wanting to help! I'll call you!
Hey Troy and Daphne--I was so excited to see your blog, your kids are getting so big! Hope business and life is all well!
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